170kg Back Squat
140kg Front Squat
210kg Deadlift
CrossFit Level 1
Bachelor of Engineering
Masters of Engineering
After years of conventional weight training in globo-style gyms, Jake tried CrossFit for the first time in 2017. He instantly loved the constantly varied workouts and could not believe the intensity with which barbells were thrown around the gym. CrossFit also has an amazing community that you don't experience with other styles of training. Jake loves that no matter where you travel around the world you can do a drop-in class at any CrossFit box and instantly be part of a community.
While early on we all focus on our strengths Jake found that working on weaknesses is when things really start to change. For him, that was working on mobility. In the beginning, even performing an air squat to depth or picking a deadlift off the ground was a challenge. Working on mobility, like building fitness or increasing strength takes time and it is rewarding to see improvement over time. Jake has made huge improvements in his range of motion and mobility but is always working to make it better.
Jake loves that members enjoy coming to CrossFit Ocean Grove to train. He aims to make the 1hr class the best part of everyone's day. Witnessing a full class working out and pushing towards a common goal is really inspiring.