Jaimie McGlashan

Jaimie McGlashan


105kg back squat

80kg front squat

strict HSPUs

on the muscle up train


CrossFit Level 1

Bachlelor of Mathematics

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Data & Analytics

About Coach

After 6 years of peer pressure from family and friends, Jaimie decided to finally give CrossFit a go in October 2019. Having no experience in any style of gym, exercise or training, she was very skeptical of the enjoyment that everyone promised (why would you pay to do burpees!?)

Turning Point

After completing the 6 fundamental classes, she set herself a goal to do an unassisted strict pull up. After diligently completing a four week program written by coach Jeremy, she achieved the goal on the final day. This, coupled with her background in statistics and data science, instilled a new passion for measuring progress and reaching goals. You'll see all her lifts graphed since the time she started.

Motivation & Passion

The flow on affects were enormous! Suddenly feeling fitter and stronger in other activities that she loves, snowboarding, hiking, mountain bike riding and making amazing friends through the CrossFit community. Now she fully understands why everyone loves the community and benefits of CrossFit! She is passionate about sharing the same journey with others who are starting from the very beginning and inspiring them to reach new heights with CrossFit.

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